Kia ora - I'm Michele, a freshwater ecologist who likes to dabble in a bit of nature photography and illustration.
nznativefauna is a project born out of a passion for New Zealand's freshwater ecology and biodiversity.
New Zealand has a multitude of amazing and important freshwater species that live in secrecy in our very own backyards. These species do not get their fair share of attention/advocacy, and unfortunately many of these, including a number of freshwater fish and invertebrates, are under threat and in decline.
The aim of this project is to 1) raise awareness of the freshwater critters that live in our streams, rivers and lakes and 2) donate 50% of the proceeds to an amazing New Zealand freshwater charity, Whitebait Connection, which is dedicated to advancing freshwater fauna conservation through education and action.
Photographs and illustrations were taken/made by me from my time as a PhD researcher at the University of Waikato, where I worked on the ecology of two New Zealand freshwater mussel (Kakahi) species.